Wick centering tool


Wick centering tool

  • The Wick centering tool for candle cores is crucial for candle makers.
  • making it easier to position the candle core accurately.
  • It helps prevent issues like uneven melting of the candle material, which can lead to the accumulation of candle on one side
  • It helps prevent issues causing uneven burning and the formation of hollow pockets.
1 piece
5 pieces
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It helps solve one of the common problems faced by candle makers is determining the precise center position for the candle core. The wick centering tool simplifies this task, making the work more convenient and efficient. It helps prevent issues like uneven melting of the candle material, which can lead to the accumulation of candle on one side, causing uneven burning and the formation of hollow pockets.


Having a wick centering tool for candle cores is highly recommended for all candle makers to eliminate potential issues that may arise in the future.

Weight ไม่ระบุ

1 piece, 5 pieces