Fractionated Coconut Oil (MCT Oil)


Fractionated Coconut Oil (MCT Oil)

CAS Number : 73398-61-5 

  • 100% coconut oil that is edible, containing healthy fats that do not accumulate in the body.
  • Nourishes the skin, providing deep and gentle hydration.
  • Odorless, clear, colorless, lightweight coconut oil with a non-greasy and tasteless quality.
100 ml
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  • Made from coconut oil that undergoes a chemical process to separate fats from water, known as Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). The remaining oil consists only of medium-chain fatty acids.
  • Nourishes the skin, leaving it soft and deeply moisturized. Repairs and revitalizes dry, rough, and lacking-moisture skin. Lightweight, non-greasy, and quickly absorbs into the skin. Suitable for direct application on the skin.
  • Can serve as a carrier oil and can be blended with natural essential oils and fragrance oils.
  • Can be ingested and provides health benefits to the body. It is a healthy fat that may help reduce appetite and does not accumulate excess fat.
  • Dissolves well in oil.

Can be utilized in various industries.

  • Used in cosmetics such as creams, lotions, shower creams, shampoos, conditioners, massage oils, makeup, and perfumes.
  • Can be consumed for a ketogenic diet. It is a good fat that, when ingested, does not accumulate as excess fat and can be readily converted into energy.
Weight ไม่ระบุ

100 ml