Distilled water D.I. Water


Distilled water D.I. Water

Distilled water D.I. Water with high purity of 100%, processed through a state-of-the-art filtration technology.

Why Distilled water D.I. Water : Thalia

  • There is a thorough cleaning of containers before packaging, ensuring confidence in the high purity of the water and its freedom from pathogens.
  • The distilled water undergoes a production process that meets ISO standards.
  • There is a Certificate of (COA) document certifying cleanliness and safety.
  • Clear, colorless, and odorless.
  • Low electricity cost, free from ions.
1000 ml
Image Safe Checkout
Guaranteed Safe Checkout
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Can be utilized in various industries.

  • Aromatic device or fragrance diffuser.
  • Cosmetic products or makeup items.
  • Laboratory work or experiments.
  • Food.
  • Car or automobile.
Weight ไม่ระบุ

500 ml, 1000 ml